Institute of Transport and Automation Technology Institute Team
Interferometry with entangled atoms in space

Research Projects

Interferometry with entangled atoms in space

Led by:  M. Sc. Alexander Heidt
Year:  2021
Funding:  German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Duration:  01.09.2021 - 31.12.2024

Atom interferometers are high-resolution measuring instruments that can be used to measure inertial forces such as acceleration and rotation or gravity. In this process, atoms in free fall are brought into a quantum mechanical superposition of two states. The interference between these states generates the measurement signal of the interferometer. The resolution of the measurement increases the longer the atoms are in the superposition state. There are many ways to extend this time, for example in drop towers with a microgravity environment like the "Einstein-Elevator" (EE) in Hannover used in this project. In addition, ultracold atoms in so-called Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) are used because they are suitable for long interrogation times. However, the achievable precision does not only depend on the interferometer time. Besides many technical parameters, there is also a fundamental limit to the resolution: the standard quantum limit. To break through this, the atoms are entangled, i.e. the entire ensemble of atoms is transferred into a common quantum state, resulting in strong correlations between the atoms. The aim of the present project is to integrate this technology into a compact and robust atomic sensor, while demonstrating its suitability for space through the Einstein-Elevator. The purpose is to demonstrate interferometric sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit in microgravity.


further information
Project title: 
other participating institutes/partners Institute of quantum optics (IQ),
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Project Manager apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt 
weitere beteiligte Forscher/-innen Dr.-Ing. Christoph Lotz
Dr. Jens Kruse
Dr. Alexander Fieguth
M. Sc. Simon Haase
M. Sc. Alexander Heidt
M. Sc. Janina Hamann