Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Overmeyer

Key areas of Research and Teaching
- Transport and automation technology
- Optical production technologies
- Laser material processing
curriculum vitae
Professional career path
Since 2002
Head of the Institute for Transport and Automation Technology at Leibniz University of Hannover
Appointment to the professorship for automation technology at the TU Cottbus
1999 - 2001
Head of Research and Development responsible for design, electronics, software and process development, Mühlbauer AG
1998 - 1999
Head of 'Semiconductor Backend Automation', Mühlbauer AG
Joined Mühlbauer AG, Project Manager Development
Doctorate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hannover
1994 - 1997
Head of the department "Machines and Controls" at the Laser Zentrum Hannover
Research assistant at the Laser Zentrum Hannover
1984 - 1991
Study of electrical engineering at the Leibniz University Hannover -
Memberships and positions
since 2019
Supervisory Board member, LPKF Laser & Electronics A, Garbsen
since 2016
Speaker of the Production Technology Centre Hannover (PZH)
since 2014
Supervisory Board member, Viscom AG, Hanover
since 2013
Laser Zentrum Hannover e. V., Managing Director
since 2012
Member of the Cluster of Excellence Quest
since 2012
Speaker of the Collaborative Research Center TR123 PlanOS, Planar Optronic Systems
since 2011
Scientific Society for Laser Technology (WLT)
since 2010
Laser Zentrum Hannover e. V., Board of Directors
since 2007
Institute for Integrated Production gGmbH (IPH), Managing Director
since 2006
COST; evaluator European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research
since 2006
Consultant of the Bavarian Research Foundation
since 2006
HOT, Hanover Centre for Optical Technologies, Member of the Board
AGIP; Expert working group on innovative projects at the MWK
since 2005
DFG reviewer for SFB and standard procedure since
BVL; Scientific Advisory Board of the German Logistics Association
since 2004
WGTL; Scientific Society for Technical Logistics
since 2004
VDMA; German Engineering Federation, Professional Association for Materials Handling and Logistics Systems
VDI; Representative of Lower Saxony since
PZH Board of Directors (Speaker 2003-2004)
Kognitive Logistik
Automatisierung: Steuerungstechnik
Produktion optoelektronischer Systeme
Production of Optoelectronic Systems
Automatisierung: Komponenten und Anlagen
Allgemeines messtechnisches Labor (AML)
Grundlagen und Aufbau von Laserstrahlquellen
Mechatronik-Labor Automatisierungstechnik
Masterlabor Optische Technologien
Informationstechnisches Praktikum
Tutorium: Kritische Analyse der Energietechnik
Tutorium: Zeitmanagement
Tutorium: Wissenschaftlicher Umgang mit Theorien der Unendlichkeit
Tutorium: Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten im Themengebiet Technische Logistik
Tutorium: LabVIEW-Basic-I - Einstieg in die graphische Programmierung
Tutorium: LabVIEW-Basic-II - Einstieg in die graphische Programmierung
Tutorium: Autodesk Inventor Professional
Tutorium: Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit künstlicher Intelligenz
Tutorium: Anwendung von Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeit